Due to Dec. 24, 2024, being designated as a federal holiday, NHCP services will be affected as follows:
  • The Emergency Department will be remain open.
  • Those patients and beneficiaries with booked appointments will be seen as scheduled unless they wish to reschedule the appointment to a later date.
  • Those wishing to reschedule should call the appointment line at 760 - 725 - HELP (4357) and select option 3.
  • The walk-in immunization clinic will be closed.
  • Pharmacy, Laboratory, and Radiology Departments will be closed to walk-ins.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Attention! If you live in the TRICARE West Region, or in a state or ZIP code moving to the West Region and you pay an enrollment fee or premium by recurring credit card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer, you must set up payment information with TriWest before Dec. 31, 2024. If you don’t take action, you’ll risk getting disenrolled. Learn more.

To make an appointment call 760 - 725 - HELP (4357) between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:00 pm weekdays. Select Option 3.

About Us

Affiliation Requests

On 1 Oct 2022, Navy Medical Treatment Facilities transitioned to The Defense Health Agency (DHA), the process for requesting affiliations changed.
- For Navy Active Duty providers, Retired Navy Active Duty providers, and all Navy Civilian providers currently employed, separated, or retired: Use the DHA Credentialing & Privileging Affiliation Verification mailbox as follows: dha.ncr.clinic-qual.mbx.cred-affiliation-verification@health.mil
- For Navy Reservists, Navy Retired Reservists, and Navy Recruit Healthcare Providers who do NOT affiliate with the Navy (for some reason): Use The Navy’s Centralized Credentialing & Privileging Department, Archives Division mailbox as follows: usn-ccpd-archives@health.mil
- Claims history is managed by DHA HRM (Release of Information - claims history). Please have the requestor send a written, with signed/dated release from the provider to the Claims History Mailbox directly and they will respond directly to the requesting entity. Claims History mailbox as follows: dha.jbsa.clinic-qual.mbx.healthcareriskmgmt-claimshx@health.mil

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!