Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More. Also, you have until March 31 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today. 

Getting Care

Visitor Policy

NHCP shall not restrict, limit, or otherwise deny visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. If you believe that your visitation rights have been violated, you should talk to your nurse, the nurse manager or the clinical director. If you feel the issue is not resolved, please contact Hospital Administration. Children are allowed to visit patients unless prohibited by the patient’s physician or the nurse determines it could adversely affect the visitor or the patient.

There are specially designated lounge areas for visitors on each patient floor and on the main floor in the lobby. Specific waiting areas have been designated for families of patients in the Critical Care Units, the Emergency Department, and Surgery. In order to assure the safety and health of both patients and visitors, the following guidelines are observed:
  • NHCP is a smoke-free facility. Smoking or vaping is not permitted anywhere on campus.
  • For health reasons, visitors must dress appropriately and wear shirts and shoes.
  • Duration of visits, number of visits, and ages of visitors may be limited by the nursing staff consistent with the level of care the patient requires.
  • For safety reasons, children must be supervised by a parent or other adult at all times.
  • Persons who are sick, including children, should not visit patients. Visitors with colds, sore throats, or any contagious disease are requested to avoid visitation with patients.
  • The visiting hours and limitations within this policy may change based on factors not explicitly listed. This can be due to patient care needs, staff/visitor/patient safety risk factors, or other reasons.
  • Hand washing/sanitizing when entering and leaving a room is required.
To protect the safety of patients, visitors, and staff, we offer infection prevention practices for all visitors. Visitors must be free from fever, colds, sore throat, upper respiratory infections or other contagious diseases.
  • Only one visitor at a time is allowed in rooms of patients who are noted to have or suspicious for a contagious disease (such as COVID-19 or other pandemic-related diseases) unless an exception has been made for extenuating circumstances.
  • Hand washing/sanitizing when entering and leaving a room is required.
Every caregiver will wash his or her hands before and after all procedures to avoid the spread of germs or infection. You can ask your caregiver to clean their hands at any time.

All visitors will report to the nurse’s station prior to visiting a patient to ensure there are no precautions to be taken and patient privacy remains protected. Spouse/partner, children, parent, siblings, and those closest to the patient may visit as directed by the Multidisciplinary Clinical Care Team.
  • Multi-Service Ward: During the visiting hours of 8:00 am - 5:30 pm weekdays and 8:00 am - 8:00 pm weekends and holidays, patients may have two to four visitors at a time depending on room size and ability to physically distance from other patients. The visitors may visit at the same time. Visitors may leave and return during the hours the hospital entrances are open.
  • Intensive Care Unit: During the visiting hours of 8:00 am - 5:30 pm weekdays and 8:00 am - 8:00 pm weekends and holidays, patients may have two visitors per day. The two visitors may visit at the same time. Visitors may leave and return during the hours the hospital entrances are open. Pediatric patients may have immediate family members (mother, father, brother(s), sister(s)). One parent may stay overnight.
  • Obstetrical Patients – Inpatient: Up to two visitor may accompany the patient in the Labor and Delivery Unit, 24 hours a day. Once the patient is transferred from Labor and Delivery Unit to the Mother/Infant Unit, inpatient visitation rules apply with only one approved visitor for overnight stay.
  • Obstetrical and Gynecological Clinic. One adult visitor may accompany the patient. The patient’s newborn is also allowed to accompany the patient. No other children are allowed to accompany the patient during the clinic visit.
  • Family Medicine Clinic/Internal Medicine Clinic. One adult visitor may accompany the patient. If applicable, the patient’s newborn is also allowed to accompany the patient. No other children are allowed to accompany the patient during the clinic visit. Up to two adult caregivers may accompany a pediatric patient.
  • Pediatric Clinic. Up to two adult caregivers may accompany a pediatric patient. No other children are allowed to accompany the patient during the clinic visit.
  • Emergency Department (ED). One visitor may come with the patient. In times of increased volumes, we may ask ED visitors to wait to enter the hospital until the patient is placed in an ED room.
  • Ambulatory Procedure Unit/Main Operating Room/Post Anesthesia Recovery Unit. One visitor may accompany the patient within the Ambulatory Procedure Unit. Once patient is moved into the preoperative holding area, the visitor will need to move to the surgical waiting area. Due to patient care needs, auditory and patient privacy, visitors are limited in the Post Anesthesia Recovery Unit. No visitors are allowed in the Main Operating Room.
For your protection, this building has the latest fire protection and suppression systems. The staff at NHCP has been trained to keep you and your guests safe. If you hear an alarm or see a strobe, the Fire Department has been alerted. Please follow all directional information provided by staff.

NHCP has its own security team providing patient and visitor safety, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Security personnel wear Type III green digital uniforms which are further identified with a black protective “Security” or “Police” vest. In the parking lot/garage, the columns with blue lights can connect you directly with a security officer. Please contact security or the Quarterdeck if you would like a Security Team member to escort you to your car.

Our free parking (garage and lots) are available for both patients and visitors around the campus. For your convenience, the parking garage has two elevators and a covered walkway that connects to the main building. Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle. NHCP is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property.
1. Persons who are sick, including children, should not visit patients. Visitors with colds, sore throats, or any contagious disease are requested to avoid visitation with patients.
2. The visiting hours and limitations within this policy may change based on factors not explicitly listed. This can be due to patient care needs, staff/visitor/patient safety risk factors, or other reasons.
3. Hand washing/sanitizing when entering and leaving a room is required.
4. All visitors will follow any precaution signs posted on a patient's door or ask the staff for help. All visitors must review applicable personal protective equipment (PPE) when posted on or about a patient's doorway and wear PPE when directed.
5. Up to four visitors/support persons age .12 at a time are allowed to visit/accompany of patient in the hospital. The number of visitors/support persons allowed may be limited or restricted based on safety, risk assessment, patient care needs, or due to other required physical or medical precautions.
6. The patient reserves the right to restrict visitors at any time. At a minimum, patients may designate a patient representative (family member or friend) who may visit the patient in-person for at least 2 hours each day during designated visitation hours. Any restrictions to this visitation will be explained by the patient's treatment team.
7. Visiting frequency, number of visits, and duration is at the discretion of the patient and the patient's assigned nurse consistent with the level of care the patient requires. Although every effort is made to allow open visitation, it may be necessary to restrict visitation temporarily. To avoid tiring patients, we ask that visitors limit the length of their visit as well.
8. Patient care must remain a priority. Upon request by a NHCP staff member, visitors may be asked to leave the patient room. This may be necessary when personal and emergency care is provided; invasive procedures are being performed; or the patient requires uninterrupted rest time.
9. Visitors will maintain a quiet environment and avoid unnecessary noise.
10. Avoid wearing or bringing items with strong scents or odors, such as perfume or smoke, into the patient's room.
11. Please notify the nurse if you notice any significant changes in the patient's medical condition your visit.
12. Do not bump or sit on a patient’s bed. Do not touch, move, or change settings with any equipment, power cords, tubing or wires in the room.
13. Children under 12 years old are discouraged from visiting the hospital. When accompanied by an adult, children under 12 years old may be permitted to see  immediate  family  members. Children who are visiting cannot have been exposed to chicken pox, measles, rubella or mumps within the past 3 weeks.
14. Visitors are highly discouraged from staying overnight except in the case of terminal illness, fetal demise, or when the patient would benefit from the family member support such as
laboring, post-partum, and pediatric patients. Visitors are not allowed to occupy a patient’s bed.
15. Flowers, plants, and latex products may be restricted due to patient’s sensitivities and proximity of patient’s rooms.
16. Visitors may bring personal items in for their family members/friends necessary for personal care. However, they will be cleared through the nurse providing care to ensure it is safe and
appropriate for the patient and in line with their plan of care. If a valuable personal item is brought in, all efforts should be made to have a family member/friend take it home.
17. Visitors must dress appropriately, to include shirts, pants/shorts/dress/skirt, and shoes.
18. Food and beverages are available in the hospital cafeteria, vending machines, or from outside establishments. We ask that all visitors please eat only in designated areas or in the
patient room. Eating and drinking is not allowed in corridors or stairwells. All food and beverages must be covered while being transported through the hospital.
19. Visiting hours are flexible and open on most units, as we recognize family and friends are vital in the healing process.


Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!